Lilanics In The Landscape Design Of The Garden

It's so rare for years to be green like a lilan. It can be combined with all other years of flowers and handicrafts. Thanks to the wide gamma of the colour of his flower, the lilanique can be added to any combination.
It has many virtues compared to other plants that are widely used in greening, a long period of colouring and a lack of vigilance in terms of growth, and different colours of leaves that retain decoration to the deep fall and tenenity.
Lilanicas can be planted everywhere. They look good in open spaces in single landings, in front of stores, hospitals, hotels and other institutions. They put them on cloams like salt plants. The Bordührers emphasize the beauty of the tracks. You can see them at the monuments and the sculpture.
Before the greening, the following should be considered:
- Lillenics will be the dominant element in the garden or salinary landings;
- What heights of lilans would they look backwards;
- which lilan colours will be combined with their surrounding plants;
- It is preferable to have continuous colouring or to produce mass and simultaneously (sampling of different colouring dates or one time, say, medium term).
It will also have to be thought of how these plants will look at the background of the house, fences, economic structures, if you want to plant them with lilans.
If the house or construction is made of red brick or painted in dark colour, the yellow colours will be good on their background. The light facades, on the other hand, will be followed by dark or bright colours: red, purple, purple.
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