Natural Garden In Landscape Design
If you look carefully at the gardens presented at modern landscape designs, there seems to be a good reason to conclude that the era of natural gardens has erupted.
It appears that the fashion is returning to the so-called dicey gardens, which for centuries ago propagated a classic of English gardening William Robinson.
Such gardens are not contrasted with nature, but are harmoniously placed in it as a continuation of the natural environment, they are ecological and natural. They, along with intraducents, make extensive use of wild forest and grass grasses, folders, geriatrics and socks, collect collections of geran, copper, gay, gravilats, patches and many other years, not only sortic, but also natural species. The preservation of the natural characteristics of the terrain: terrain, soil, vegetation is welcomed.
Compared with different kinds of decoration gardens, and especially regular gardens, natural gardens often require less physical effort, material costs and time. Care is also greatly facilitated, which is important given the employment of owners. Particular attention is paid to energy and water savings, as some European countries already prohibit the use of water for the garden.
If, at the present time, the owners of the site have a desire to form their future garden in a landscape, this will be largely consistent with the creation of natural or ecological, garden. The first thing that needs to be done is to carefully examine the natural conditions of the site. Everything is important here: his location, his position in the relay, lighting, winter temperatures, the predominant direction of the winds. Particular attention should be paid to soil cover, soil fertility, its mechanical composition (heavy or light), acidity, humidity, groundwater level. Such an analysis of the environment will allow for the most appropriate type of eco-sada for a long or cottage site.

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