Lapchatka In The Landscape Design Of Garden Photos

The garden parlors are divided into three groups. The beautiful ones - will be a magnificent decoration in their flower, the decorational-liers - will welcome the unusual paints of the sheets to the late autumn, and the eternal green ones will take the first step in the vows of the rest.
The beautiful decorational artisanals for the garden are beautiful during the flower and an amazing aromatic. We have chosen the most unpleasant of them and suitable for growing in the middle of Russia and in Podmoskovje.
Photo is a flower garden of beautiful artisanians.Siren (Lat Syringa)
Perhaps the most common plant of gardens and paladians is also actively used in urban greening. Frost-resistant, unstable artisanal man up to 4 metres. In the modern village there are compact varieties that are ideally suitable for small gardens and for the decoration of homeland: India, Agnes Smith, Elinor.
If you land, you better choose an open solar place. The siren is not demanding, but does not like the marshland. The exit is to remove the growing and to cut the cherished prosperity. Flows in May and June.
Spear (lat.Spiraea)
Popular artisanal with many sorts of variations. Of some alcohol, it is possible to form a clumbum, ranging from low-lying varieties with large varieties. The picture of the flower garden from the spirit shows how the plants of one species can be painted by a very large area.
An uncomfortable artisanal, freeze-resistant, is virtually unprotected. It's spreading in the sun and half. The departure is a periodic forming cut.
Bullshit, or garden Jasmine.
An artisanal with a height of up to 3 meters, with small, slash sheets on thin branches. In addition to the green ones, there are still golden and sandstrolistic chips. Flowing time depends on the class, from the beginning of June to the end of the summer. Flowers have a pleasantly strong aromat, for which the buster has its second name "siege." The main condition of a great flower is the solar landing place.
It's not difficult to follow the bowl, it's a sanitary cut and a melting underwear: 1-2 times to feed the slurry plant (1:10), and then to pour the salt water (1 glass of ash per 10 litres of water).
Decorative-licensed gardeners
This group includes handicraftsmen who do not lose their decorative qualities throughout the summer through their beautiful leaflet.
Decorative-lice gardens welcome green to the top of the sea

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